
Xiaomiwatchfaceseditorforvariouswatch,bandmodelsbyXiaomi-m0tral/EasyFace.,2023年10月10日—Hi,IdidthisupdateavailableinmyMiFitnessmodv1.30uapp.Youcangetinattgchannelmi_watch_news.Itsapplicableformb8CN, ...,WedesignpersonalisedwatchfacesforMiBand6,MiBand7,MiBand8,MiBand5andAmazfitGT3seriesfitnessbandsandwatches.,TweaktoforwardiOSnotificationstoXiaomiMiBand.32stars7forks ...,2023年4月11日—Notifyfo...


Xiaomi watchfaces editor for various watch, band models by Xiaomi - m0tral/EasyFace.

MI Band 8 CN 2 GL conversion

2023年10月10日 — Hi, I did this update available in my MiFitness mod v1.30u app. You can get in at tg channel mi_watch_news. Its applicable for mb8 CN, ...

Mi Band Watch Face Makers

We design personalised watch faces for Mi Band 6, Mi Band 7, Mi Band 8, Mi Band 5 and Amazfit GT3 series fitness bands and watches.


Tweak to forward iOS notifications to Xiaomi MiBand. 32 stars 7 forks ...

Tweaks or tools?

2023年4月11日 — Notify for mi band can do some extra stuff like notifications for apps like Snapchat and stuff that I don't think the default apps do. It has ...

Xiaomi Smart Band 7 (Mi Band 7) • watch faces & apps

Here you can download and share watch face for Xiaomi Smart Band 7 (Mi Band 7) • watch faces & apps.

[UPDATED] Tweaked Mi Band English Version + Notify ...

2015年2月7日 — First of all this is not my work i just made a thread to help Mi Band xda users. This is made by dezmen3 and you can find the original ...